Alexandrie VII, Fouilles polonaisses a Kom el-Dikka 1986-1987
45,00 $
ISBN: 8390180979
Description: hardback, 143 pp. (29,5x21,5 cm), ills, plates in a separate portfolio
Condition: new
Weight: 1300g.
Z. Kiss, G. Majcherek, H. Meyza, H. Rysiewski, B. Tkaczow, Alexandrie VII, Fouilles polonaisses a Kom el-Dikka 1986-1987, Warsaw 2000
Includes 16 folded site plans issued in case.
I. Z. Kiss, La fouille. (pi. I)
II. Z. Kiss, Les auditoria remains tardifs (pi. II; fig. I-III; phot. 1-41)
1.Salle B
2.Salle A
3.Salle C
4. Histoire et fonctions
III. H. MEYZA, Sector G: stratigraphy of the Arab necropolis (pi. IV-XI; fig. 12-17; phot. 42-47)
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Types of tombs
4. Phases of necropolis
IV. H. RYSIEWSKI, G. MAJCHEREK, H. MEYZA, Alexandria, Kom el Dikka: Results of excavations of the western part of Sector CS (fig. 18-23)
1. Introductory remarks
2. Description of the stratigraphic groups
3. Stratification units in the chronological and stratigraphical system of sector CS
4. Conclusions
V. H. RYSIEWSKI, Alexandria, Kom el Dikka, Sectors G and CS: Human skeletal
remains from the multilayered arabic necropolis explored in the years 1986 and 1987.
1. The aim and subject of the report
2. Methods
3. The state of preservation of the skeletal remains
4. Explanation of the list of burials
5. Commentary on the list of measurements in Tables: 2—4
6. General characterisation of the material
VI. B. TKACZOW, The historical topography of Kom el-Dikka. Notes on plans XII-XV (pi. XII-XV)
1. Introduction
2. Plan XII. The topography of Kom el-Dikka at the beginning of the 4th century AD
3. Plan XIII. The topography of Kom el-Dikka at the beginning of the 6th century AD
4. Plan XIV. The topography of Kom el-Dikka in the 9th century AD (Lower Necropolis)
5. Plan XV. The topography of Kom el-Dikka in the 12-13th century AD (Upper Necropolis)
Liste des illustrations
Table des matieres