Centenary of Mediterranean Archaeology 1897-1997
12,00 $ was 15,00 $
ISBN: 83-86957-36-0
Description: 198 pages, photographs, drawings, plans, maps
Condition: very good
Weight: 360g.
Centenary of Mediterranean Archaeology 1897-1997, International Symposium, Cracow, October 1999
I. Early Egypt and the Levant
Barbara Adams (London)
Early Temples in Egypt: Hierakonpolis and Beyond
Y. Y. Baumgarten (Omer)
Subterranean Systems in the Chalcolithic Period in Southern Israel: Were They Used As Dwellings?
Zbigniew Szafranski (Warsaw)
Settlement in Egypt in the First Half of the Second Millennium B. C.
Marta Guzowska (Warsaw)
Contexts for Minoan Finds in Cyprus
II.Results of the latest archaeological research
Jan Bouzek (Praha)
Charles University of Prague Excavations in Beirut, Martyrs Square
Violetta Pereyra de Fidanza et al. (Buenos Aires)
Tell el - Ghaba: Three Seasons of Excavations in North Sinai
Henryk Meyza (Warsaw) / Ewdoksia Papuci-Wladyka (Cracow)
Nea Paphos. Cyprus: Pottery from cistern STR 1/96-97
Jolanta Mlynarczyk (Warsaw)
Sha'ar ha-Amakim: a Hellenistic and Roman Site in Lower Galilee
Aleksandra Waasowicz (Varsovie)
Nymphaion - histoire et structure d' une polis grecque. Projet international polono-russo-ucrainien (1993-1997)
Mariusz Mielczarek (Toruri) / Nataliya M. Sekerskaya (Kiev)
Polish - Ukrainian Archaeological Excavations at Nikonion
Anna de Vincenz (Jerusalem)
Shuni - Mayumas: a Model of Archaeological Park in Israel
Gerald Finkielsztejn (Jerusalem)
Unefouille de sauvetage d'envergure inhabituelle: la ville byzantine et la necropole de Kfar Samir (Haifa, Israel)
III.New studies on ancient art and culture
Jozef Wolski (Cracovie)
L' archeologie et I' histoire anciennes: L' Iran a la lumiere des nouvelles sources archeologiques
Zsolt Kiss (Varsovie)
Les auriges de Kom el-Dikka
Ilona Skupinska-Lovset (Lodz)
Portraits of Boys with "Youth lock" from Syria
Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti (Varsovia)
Gli scavi po I ace hi nell' isola di Torcello visti dopo trent' anni
Barbara Lichocka (Varsovie)
Les monnaies locales et les monnaies imperiales a Chypre an IIIe siecle. Le temoignage de Nea Paphos
Malgorzata Martens-Czarnecka (Warsaw)
Faras and Dongola - Milestones in Discoveries of the Nubian Painting
Elke Blumenthal (Leipzig)
Statuentypen und Gottkonigtum. Remerkungen zur Pyramidenzeit
Francine Blonde (Lyon)
Thasos et ses ceramiques an IVe s. avant J.-C.
Gunther Schorner (Jena)
Die Pan-grotte von Vari. Ein landliches Heiligtum in Attika
Bozena Rostkowska (Warsaw)
Lower Nubia and the Institutio Michaelis
Bogdan Zurawski (Warsaw)
The Divine Kingdom ofDongola. Some Reconsiderations