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Etudes et Travaux XXXVI/2023

50,00 $

Default Title

Description: softcover, 184 pp., (24x17cm), phots, drawings
Condition: new
Weight: 500g.





Etudes et Travaux XXXVI/2023, Institut des Cultures Mediterraneennes et Orientales de l`Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Varsovie 2023


Michele Degli Esposti, Maria Carmela Gatto, Jadwiga Iwaszczuk, Maciej Makowski, Zuzanna Wygnańska
Iron Age Metalworking at Masafi-1? A Reconsideration of the Metal Hoards Discovered in the Collective Buildings
Iron Age metallurgy UAE archaeology copper working 
Anne Benoist, Aurélien Hamel, Cécile Le Carlier, Michele Degli Esposti, Julie Goy
The Al Khudairah Necropolis (Sharjah, UAE): Reflections from the 2023 Field Season necropolis al Khudairah Sharjah burial mound anthropological studies 
Carmen del Cerro Linares, Carlos Fernández Rodríguez, Paula Gómez Sanz, Alicia Alonso García, Armando González Martín
Abbasid Jumeirah, Dubai. An Overview of the Site and Its Architectural Stucco Decoration
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Karol Juchniewicz, Agnieszka Lic
A Note on the Architectural Layout of the Early Islamic Church on Sir Bani Yas Island, UAE architecture early Islamic period Sir Ban Yas church Gulf archaeology apse
Agnieszka Lic, Achim Lichtenberger, Rami Farouk Daher, Rana Zureikat
Investigating the Neolithic Presence in South-Central Oman: The DUQ-25A Rock Shelter
Neolithic rock shelter projectile points Oman Duqm 
Maria Pia Maiorano, Dominik Chlachula, Alžběta Danielisová, Roman Garba
After the Fall of the Caravan Kingdoms. Notes about the Occupation of Sumhuram and the Area of Khor Rori (Oman) from the Fifth Century AD to the Islamic Period Late Antiquity early Islamic period Sumhuram Khor Rori Dhofar
Alexia Pavan
The Gebelein Region in the Third Intermediate and Late Periods Gebelein Third Intermediate period Late period Egypt 
Wojciech Ejsmond, Marta Kaczanowicz
Potmarks on Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Bread Moulds from the Settlement Layers of Tell el-Murra
Early Dynastic period Tell el-Murra Nile Delta Old Kingdom period bread moulds pre-firing potmarks 
Magdalena Kazimierczak