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Cyprus, Crete and the Aegean Islands in Antiquity

42,00 $

Default Title
ISBN: 978-83-233-4236-6
Description: softcover, 254 pp. (24x17cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 455g.

Cyprus, Crete and the Aegean Islands in Antiquity, Electrum, vol. 23 (2016), edited by Edward Dabrowa, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2016

Jakub Kuciak, Wenn Macht und Dichtung sich begegnen - Polykrates und Anakreon im Lichte der griechischen Literatur
Christian Korner, The Cypriot Kings under Assyrian and Persian Rule (Eighth to Fourth Century BC): Centre and Periphery in a Relationship of Suzerainty
Andreas Mehl, The Cypriot Kings: Despots or Democrats or...? Remarks on Cypriot Kingship Especially in the Time of Persian Suzerainty
Wojciech Duszynski, Sparta, Its Fleet, and the Aegean Islands in 387-375 BC. Tomasz Grabowski, The Aegean Islands in the Politics of the Attalid Dynasty
Adam Paluchowski, Les formes de dependance en mutation dans l'ile de Crete a l'epoque hellenistique a la lumiere des conventions d'asylie
Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky, Prolegomena to a Dossier: Inscriptions from the Asklepieion at Lissos (Crete)
Paulina Komar, Wines from Cyprus and Cilicia in Antiquity: Taste and Trade
Marcin N. Pawlak, From Independence to Dependence: the Administrative Stat of the Aegean Islands from 129 BC to 294 AD

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