Les civilisations du bassin Mediterraneen. Hommages a Joachim Sliwa
25,00 $ was 30,00 $
ISBN: 83-909501-5-4
Description: 458 pages, photographs, drawings, plans, maps
Condition: very good
Weight: 760g.
Les civilisations du bassin Mediterraneen. Hommages a Joachim Sliwa, Universite Jagellonne, Institut d'Archeologie, Cravovie 2000
Bibliography of Joachim Sliwa
Lech Krzyzaniak (Poznan) Debut on the Nile
Joanna Aksamit (Warsaw)
Egyptian Faience Jar with a Cartouche of Amenmesse from Tell Edfu -the New Kingdom in the Polish-French Excavations in 1937
Grazyna Bakowska (Cracow)
Provincial Art of the First Intermediate Period: Paintings from Gebelein
Jurgen von Beckerath (Schlehdorf)
Zum zweiten Philae-Dekret Ptolemaios' V
M. L. Bierbrier (London)
The Schmidt Collection in the British Museum
Marek Chtodnicki (Poznan)
The Neolithic of the Letti Basin (Nubia)
Krzysztof M. Cialowicz (Cracow)
The First Kings of Egypt
Sakkie Cornelius (Stellenbosch)
The Egyptian Iconography of the Goddesses Anat and Astarte
Paola Davoli (Bologna)
Mobili in legno dal tempio di Soknobkonneus a Bakchias (Fayyum)
Wlodzimierz Godlewski (Warsaw)
Naqlun. The Hermitage of Phibamo
Ram Gophna (Tel Aviv)
Egyptian Settlement and Trade in Canaan at the Waning
of the Early Bronze Age I: New Discoveries and Old Questions
Mariusz Jucha (Cracow)
Cylindrical Jars from Tell El-Farkha
Othmar Keel (Freiburg/Schweiz)
Gottinnenkopf und Seth-Ba'al, zwei Skarabaen mit vorderasiatischen Elementen
Ewa Laskowska-Kusztal (Varsovie)
Une stele du sanctuaire ptolemaiique de Deir el-Bahari
Jadwiga Lipirska (Warsaw)
Ancient Egyptian Heart Scarabs from the Louvre on Loan in the National Museum in Warsaw
Karl Martin (Gehrden)
Ein bemaltes Leichentuch aus Agypten im Ubersee-Museum Bremen
Karol Mysliwiec and Kamil Kuraszkiewicz (Warsaw)
Two more Old Kingdom Priestesses of Hathor in Saqqara
Andrzej Niwinski (Warsaw)
The Origin of the Two Sacred White Attributes of the Early Egyptian King: Crown and Mace
Eva Pardey (Hamburg)
Nochmals zu den ntj m srt Ein Diskussionsbeitrag
Violeta Pereyra de Fidanza (Buenos Aires)
A Queen Rewarding a Noblewoman in TT49
Sergio Pernigotti (Bologna)
Una Statua Egiziana da Bakchias
Tomasz Polanski (Cracow)
The Peoples of Syria and Canaan in the Theban Private Tomb Painting The Scenes of Tribute
H. A. Schlogl (Freiburg)
Der Herzskarabaus des Nespaneferher
Thomas Schneider (Basel)
Wer war der Gott "Chajtau"?
Piotr O. Scholz (Bonn/Lodz)
Agyptologie und Kunstgeschichte. Paralipomena
Michael Donderer (Erlangen)
Alexandria - Exportzentrum fur Mosaikemblemata?
Dorota Gorzelany (Krakau)
Das makedonische Kammergrab - ein ewiges Haus des Verstorbenen
Agata Kubala (Cracow)
Remarks on so-called Graeco-Persian Art from the Area of Cilicia
Joanna Machowska (Krakau)
Gipsschmuck auf den Holzsarkophagen aus Pantikapaion
Wojciech Machowski (Cracow)
The Kurgans of Olbia
Maria Nowicka (Varsovie)
Le portrait dans la Grece classique: remarques sur la ressemblance
Ewdoksia Papuci-Wladyka (Cracow)
An East Greek Plastic Vase in Goluchow
Klaus Parlasca (Frankfurt/Main)
Eine sepulkrale Schreintiir romischer Zeit aus Agypten
Kinga Piwowarczyk (Cracovie)
Le dauphin - attribut des statues romaines
Giinther Schorner (Jena)
Stiftungen von Badeanlagen im hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Griechenland
Tatiana Tobola (Cracovia)
Testa di marmo di una donna romana della collezione di Museo Nazionale a Cracovia
Piotr Bielinski (Warsaw)
An Early Iron Age Stamp Seal from Tell Arbid
Jaroslaw Bodzek (Cracow)
A Lycian prototype for the coin from Samaria?
Jan Bouzek (Prague)
Ceylon and the West: from Hellenistic period to the 1st century A. D.
Jerzy Chmiel (Cracovie)
Archeologie et hermeneutique
Elzbieta Dubis (Cracow)
Early Bronze Age on Tall al-'Umayri
Mariusz Gorniak (Cracow)
The Thera Eruption in the Late Minoan Period:
dating and possible consequences
Zsolt Kiss (Varsovie)
Amulettes magiques greco-egyptiennes au Mus6e National de Varsovie
Jerzy Kolendo (Varsovie)
Athanase Kircher et le jesuite polonais Stanislaw Solski sur l'obelisque de Constantinople
Antje Krug (Berlin)
Eine fruhbyzantinische Amulettgemme
Attilio Mastrocinque (Verona)
Studi sulle gemme gnostiche IX II dio Canopo
Mariusz Mielczarek (Toruh)
A Coin of Sabakes from the Collection of Walery Amrogowicz
Tomasz Mikocki (Warsaw)
A Genius in Arcadia (CSIR Pologne II. 2 - addenda)
Krystyna Moczulska (Cracow)
Prince August Czartoryski in Egypt. 1882. A Contribution to the History of the Czartoryski Collections
Janusz A. Ostrowski (Cracow)
A Lost Marble Crater from Former Karol Lanckoronski's Collection in Vienna
Stefan Skowronek (Krakau)
Aus den Forschungen iiber die agyptischen Verwaltungsbezirke in der romischen Zeit
Jozef Wolski (Cracovie)
Arsace I-er, etait-il le premier roi couronne des Parthes?