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The Cyrus Legend in the Sahname

25,00 $

Default Title

ISBN: 83-86110-19-8

Description: 116 pages

Condition: very good

Weight: 190g.
Wladyslaw Duleba, The Cyrus Legend in the Sahname, The Enigma Press, Cracow 1995


Acknowledgements (by Z. J. Kapera, Executive Editor)
General assumptions
The legend and history of Cyrus and the threads of the Sahname
The Childhood and Youth of Cyrus
1. The Dream of Astyagcs before the Marriage of Mandane
2. The Dream of Astyagcs before the Birth of Cyrus
3. The Meeting of Astyages with ten Years old Cyrus
The war for the Persian Liberation
1. The Agreement between Cyrus and Harpagus
2. The Unification of the Persian Tribes
3. The Defeat of Astyages
The Conquests of Cyrus
1. The Hyrcania Campaign
2. The Massagctae Campaign
3. The Babylon Campaign
Cyrus' Attitude towards the Conquered
The Heroes and Countries of the Sahname and the Legend of Cyrus
Salm, Tur, Irag
The "Kayan"
Barbar, Hamaveran, Yemen
Opowiesci o Cyrusie w Sahname
Indexes (by Wojciech Adamski)
Z.J. Kapera, Wtadyslaw Duleba (1920-1987)
Z.J. Kapera, Selected bibliography of Wtadyslaw Duleba


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