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Materialy Archeologiczne, vol. XXVII/2

20,00 $

Default Title

Description: softcover, 103 pages (29,5x20,5cm), photographs, drawings
Condition: very good
Weight: 430g.




Materialy Archeologiczne, vol. XXVII/2, 1994

H. Szymanska, K. Babraj, The Polish Army Military Museum in the Near East.
Z. Szafranski, Two Upper Egyptian Stelae from the End of the First Intermediate Period in the Archaeological Museum in Cracow
M. G. Witkowski, Quatre planches du sarcophage antropo'ide MAK/AS/1694 du Musee Archeologique de Cracovie .
H. Szymanska, Terres cuites d'Athribis reresentant des uieilles femmes.
G. Nachtergael, Ostracadu Musee Archeologique de Cracouie (O. Mus. Cracovie).
A. Lajtar, Three Greek Christian Epitaphs from Lower Nubia in the Collection of the Archaeological Museum in Cracow
A. Leligdowicz, The Collection of Islamic Pottery of the Archaeological Museum in Cracow.
K. Babraj, Melchitisches Proskynetarion vom 19. Jh. aus der koptischen Kirche des Erzengels Gabriel in Der an-Naqlun (Oase Fayum)
R. Naglik, Die Bronzefigur der Isis mil Horus aus Zabinice in Podolien