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Recherches Archeologiques, Nouvelle serie 9, 2017

25,00 $

Default Title
Description: softcover, 392 pp. (24x17 cm), figs., phots.
Condition: new
Weight: 730g.


Recherches Archeologiques, Nouvelle serie 9, 2017, Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow 2018

Bibliography of Professor Krzysztof Sobczyk (prep. by Jakub Skłucki)
Zsolt Mester: The problems of the Szeletian as seen from Hungary
Justyna Zakrzeńska, Mirosław Zając: Mesolithic settlement in the Tenczyn Hummock region
Alisa Demina: Pottery of the Chornolis culture in the middle Dnieper region
Marta Raczyńska-Kruk, Adam Kruk: A sign of identity, power, and protection. Some remarks on the non-military role of shields in the Przeworsk Culture in the Early and Middle Roman Periods
Jan Chochorowski, Marek Krąpiec: Structure and chronology of Russian hunting stations on the Sørkappland and Hornsund coasts (Spitsbergen)
Marzena Woźny, Karol Dzięgielewski: 150 years of the Jagiellonian University Archaeological Cabinet. Past and present
Agnieszka Brzeska-Zastawna, Justyna Zakrzeńska, Barbara Witkowska: The Acheulean handaxes from Faysaliyya (Shawbak directorate, southwestern Jordan), 2017 season
Jerzy Libera: The first find of a harpoon from the Lublin Region
Agnieszka Brzeska-Zastawna: Reutilization of axes made from Jurassic flint in G variant on the example of the materials from site 1 in Książnice Wielkie, Proszowice District, Małopolska Province
Radosław Czerniak, Barbara Drobniewicz, Ryszard Naglik: Trzciniec Culture settlement in the Bochnia Foothills (Jasień, site no. 38, com. Brzesko)
Wojciech Blajer: Bronze hoard from Jabłonka, Głubczyce District
Marcin Biborski: Conservation and technological-chemical analyses of metal artefacts from the bronze hoard from Jabłonka
Wojciech Blajer, Paweł Micyk, Marcin Biborski, Anna Kraszewska, Paweł Valde-Nowak: The hoard of bronze objects from site 8 at Zagórze, Wadowice District
Małgorzata Byrska-Fudali, Paulina Kowalczyk-Matys: A horn-shaped clay vessel from the Lusatian Culture cemetery in Kryspinów, commune Liszki, site no. 2
Magdalena Okońska: A case-study of the so-called “pottery depot” from Bessów, site 3, commune Bochnia, Małopolska Province. Archaeological material and functional re-interpretation
Alan Jaskot, Jacek Pierzak, Krzysztof Rak: Czeladź city gate and walls in light of archaeological research

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