Studia Ceranea, Vol. 9/2019
45,00 $
Description: softcover, 782 pages (24x17cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 1320g.
Studia Ceranea, Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe, Vol. 9/2019, Lodz 2019
Innocent III and South-eastern Europe: Orthodox, Heterodox, or Heretics?
Francesco Dall’Aglio
Saint Methodius: Life and Canonization
Tania Dimitrova Láleva
The Old Church Slavonic Version of Epiphanius of Salamis’ Panarion in the Ephraim Kormchaya (the 12TH Century)
Tatiana Lekova
Rumanian Slavia as the Frontier of Orthodoxy. The Case of the Slavo-Rumanian Tetraevangelion of Sibiu
Giuseppe Stabile
On (Quasi-)Gnostic Strategies for Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance. The Bulgarian Case
Grażyna Szwat-Gyłybowa; Katarzyna Gucio
The Anti-Bogomil Anathemas in the Synodikon of Tsar Boril and in the Discourse of Kosmas the Presbyter against the Bogomils
Anna-Maria Totomanova
Sergius, the Paulician Leader, in the Account by Peter of Sicily
Teresa Wolińska
Ingvar the Far-Travelled: between the Byzantium and Caucasus. A Maritime Approach to Discussion
Marcin Böhm
Was Constantine the Great Aware of the Constantinian Shift?
Sławomir Bralewski
Rex or Imperator? Kalojan’s Royal Title in the Correspondence with Innocent III
Francesco Dall’Aglio
Titus Flavius Clemens’ Stance on Wine as Expressed in Paedagogus
Jolanta Dybała, Krzysztof Jagusiak, Michał Pawlak
The Relief on the Door of the Msho Arakelots Monastery (1134) as a Source for Studying Arms and Armour of Medieval Armenian Warriors
Dmytro Dymydyuk
Byzantine Themes in Polish High School Liberal Arts Education
Krzysztof Jurek, Jacek Kozieł
Understanding the Use of Byzantine Routes in Central Anatolia (ca. 7TH–9TH Centuries)
Tülin Kaya
Reading and Annotating Galen between 1515–1531: on some Latin Galen Editions in the Library of the Carmelites in Cracow
Magdalena Koźluk; Justyna Sowińska
The Family Strategy for Purple – Comparing the Methods of Andronikos I and Alexios I Komnenos of Constructing Imperial Power
Paweł Lachowicz
Nations and Minorities in Psellos’ "Chronographia" (976–1078)
Frederick Lauritzen
The History of the Remains of the Roman Emperor, Julian the Apostate
Anna Pająkowska-Bouallegui; Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi
Dynasticity in the Second Bulgarian Tsardom and its Manifestations in Medieval History Writing
Dmitry Polyvyannyy
The Image of Muhammad in Riccoldo da Monte di Croce’s "Contra legem Sarracenorum"
Maciej Dawczyk
Double Translations as a Characteristic Feature of the Old Church Slavonic Translation of John Chrysostom’s "Commentaries on Acts"
Aneta Dimitrova
On the Origins of Komitats in the First Bulgarian Empire
Nikolay Hrissimov
Emperor Basil II and the Awarding of Byzantine Honorific Titles to Bulgarians in the Course of the Conquest of Bulgaria (976–1018)
Nikolay Kanev
Vignette of Constantinople on the "Tabula Peutingerianana". The Column of Constantine or the Lighthouse
Piotr Kochanek
Time as a Dimension of Byzantine Identity
Johannes Koder
Love and Theatre in the Works of Nikephoros Basilakes
Anna Kotłowska; Katarzyna Gucio
The Political Ambitions of Serbian Patriarch Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta
Piotr Kręzel; Maciej Grabski
The Arabs in the Chronicle of Constantine Manasses
Mirosław J. Leszka; Mikołaj Deckert
Money in the Apophthegmata Patrum
Ireneusz Milewski
Wine and Myrrh as Medicaments or a Commentary on Some Aspects of Ancient and Byzantine Mediterranean Society
Zofia Rzeźnicka, Maciej Kokoszko
Continuity between Early Paulicianism and the Seventeenth-Century Bulgarian Paulicians: the Paulician Legend of Rome and the Ritual of the Baptism by Fire
Hristo Saldzhiev
Treatise "De Administrando Imperio" by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus: Date of the Paris. gr. 2009 Copy, Years of Compiling of the Original Codex, and a Hypothesis about the Number of Authors
Aleksei Shchavelev
Ichthyological Hapax Legomena in Marcellus’ "De piscibus"
Konrad Tadajczyk; Katarzyna Gucio
Who Could ‘the Godless Ishmaelites from the Yathrib Desert’ Be to the Author of the Novgorod First Chronicle? The "Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius" in Medieval South and East Slavic Literatures
Zofia Aleksandra Brzozowska; Katarzyna Gucio
Book reviews
The Undying Controversy of the Presence of Slavs on the Island of Crete. Remarks on a New Book by Pantelis Haralampakis
Elwira Kaczyńska, Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak; Maciej Grabski
Iván Quesada Mayo, "Los varegos y la Rus de Kiev en el siglo X" ["The Varagians and the Kievan Rus’ in the 10th Century"], Ediciones de La Ergástula, Madrid 2018 [= Sine qua non. Monografías de Historia Medieval, 3], pp. 150.
Zofia Brzozowska; Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi
Girolamo Arnaldi, Federico Marazzi, "Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo in Italia" ["Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages in Italy"], Viella, Roma 2017, 232 pp.
Maciej Dawczyk; Katarzyna Gucio
Kazimierz Ginter, "Wizerunek władców bizantyńskich w Historii kościelnej Ewagriusza Scholastyka" ["The Image of Byzantine Emperors in Evagrius Scholasticus’s Ecclesiastical History"], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2018 [= Byzantina Lodziensia, 35], pp. 337
Andrzej Hołasek; Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi
Adrian Jusupović, "Kronika halicko-wołyńska (Kronika Romanowiczów) w latopisarskiej kolekcji historycznej" ["The Galician-Volhynian Chronicle (The Romanowicz Dynasty Chronicle) in the Historical Chronicle Collection"], Avalon, Kraków–Warszawa 2019, pp.203
Mirosław J. Leszka; Mikołaj Deckert
ІГОР ЛИЛЬО, "Греки на території Руського воєводства у XV–XVIII ст. Монографія" ["Ihor Lylo, Greeks in the Territory of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the 15th–18th Centuries. Monograph"] ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, Львів 2019, pp. 384.
Konrad Kuczara
Szymon Wierzbiński, "U boku bazyleusa. Frankowie i Waregowie w cesarstwie bizantyńskim w XI w." ["By the Side of the Basileus. The Franks and the Varangians in the Byzantine Empire in the 11th century"], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2019 [= Byzantina Lodziensia, 37], pp. 420.
Mirosław J. Leszka; Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi
ДИМО ЧЕШМЕДЖИЕВ, "Етюди върху български средновековни култовe" [Dimo Češmedžiev, "Studies of Medieval Bulgarian Cults"], Фондация Българско историческо наследство, Пловдив 2019, pp. VIII, 177.
Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow; Katarzyna Szuster-Tardi
ЦВЕТАН ВАСИЛЕВ, "Гръцкият език в църквите със смесени надписи от ХVII век в България – епиграфски репертоар, езикови особености, механизми на писане" [Cvetan Vasilev, "The Greek Language in the Churches with Mixed Inscriptions of the Seventeenth Century in Bulgaria – Epigraphic Repertoire, Language Features, Writing Methods"], Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, София 2017, pp. 498.
Elissaveta Moussakova