The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, vol. XLVIII (2018)
75,00 $
Description: hardback, 330 pp. (23,5x17cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 885g.
The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, vol. XLVIII (2018), ed. by T. Derda, A. Lajtar, J. Urbanik, Warsaw 2018
Klaas Bentein, Expressing lineage in Roman and Late Antique petitions and contracts: A variationist perspective
Andrea Bernini, Fragmentarische Notiz einer lateinischen Geburtsanzeige
Anne Boud’hors, The Coptic ostraca of the Theban hermitage MMA 1152. 2. Legal and economic documents (O. Gurna Górecki 69–96)
Christel Freu, Copies of labour contracts in Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Institutions and society
Grzegorz Ochała, Nubica onomastica miscellanea III. Notes on and corrections to personal names found in Christian Nubian written sources
Stefanie Schmidt, Drei Bischöfe von Syene namens Joseph. Inschriften, Tonlämpchen und ein Ostrakon
Lothar Thüngen, PSI I 55 8 eine griechische Paraphrase zu D. 2, 14, De Pactis
Jacques van der Vliet, Two dated Coptic epitaphs from Dongola