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Studies in Medieval Iconography, Collected Essays 1962–2011

160,00 $

Default Title
ISBN: 978-83-89831-41-5
Description: hardback, 768 pp. (28x21cm), ills.
Condition: new
Weight: 2915g.


Piotr Skubiszewski, Studies in Medieval Iconography, Collected Essays 1962–2011, Irsa, Krakow 2021

The present volume brings together a collection of fourteen articles, written in French, German and English, originally published between 1962 and 2011, devoted to different ways in which ecclesiastical teaching shaped the art of medieval Latin Europe, a theme that has preoccupied the author for his entire scholarly career. His main area of interest have been works of art (in particular liturgical vessels and manuscripts) with unique iconographies unprecedented in the history of art.
Since their initial publication, various issues addressed in the papers have benefitted from new art historical research. The author has attempted to provide a selection from the now vast, pertinent literature in the updated references to individual papers included in the present volume.
The papers having been revamped, the book now boasts an entirely new set of over 500 illustrations, mostly in colour, which additionally boost the – already classic – scholarship of Piotr Skubiszewski.

Über die „Grenzen“ in der Frühmittelalterforschung. Der „Becher“ von Włocławek
L’intellectuel et l’artiste face à l’oeuvre à l’époque romane
Maiestas Domini et liturgie
La place de la Descente aux Enfers dans les cycles christologiques du Moyen Âge
Ecclesia, Christianitas, Regnum et Sacerdotium dans l’art des Xe et XIe siècles. Idées et structures des images
Le trumeau et le linteau de Moissac :un cas de symbolisme médiéval
Une Annonciation à deux anges à Issoire
La Croix et les griffons. À propos d’un tympan roman de Wiślica
Deux consoles chartraines : Le maître d’oeuvre et son « patron » devant le Jugement Dernier
Un manuscrit peint de la Vita Radegundis conservé à Poitiers. Les idées hagiographiques de Venance Fortunat et la spiritualité monastique du XIe siècle
Une Vita sancti Martini illustrée de Tours. Tours, Bibliothèque Municipale, ms. 1018
Die Bildprogramme der romanischen Kelche und Patenen
The Iconography of a Romanesque Chalice from Trzemeszno
La patène de Kalisz. Contribution à l’étude du symbolisme typologique dans l’iconographie