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Final Paleolithic Camp Organization as Seen from the Perspective of Lithic Artifacts Refitting

35,00 $

Default Title

ISBN: 838949925-8
Description: hardback, 167 pp. (30,5x21,5cm), 109 ills., CD
Condition: very good
Weight: 670g.




Jan Fiedorczuk, Final Paleolithic Camp Organization as Seen from the Perspective of Lithic Artifacts Refitting, Institue of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2006

I. Overview of the Study Area
II. Spatial Organization of Sites: History of Studies   
II. 1. Methodologies and Research 
II.2. Archaeological Structures and their Significance in Studies of Spatial Organization of Sites
III. Sites of the Mazovian Complex in Studies of Spatial Organization of Camps   
III.1. Research History and Prospects  
III.2. Site Selection Criteria  
III.3. Characteristic of Selected Sites  
III.3.1. Dobiegniewo  
III.3.2. Calowanie, Trench I, Level VI 
III.3.3. Rydno IV/57 
III.3.4. Rydno XI/59  
IV. Methods in Spatial Organization Studies of Paleolithic Campsites
IV.l. Lithic Typology, Technology and Raw Materials 
IV.2. The Refittings Method
IV.2.1. Terminology and Semantic Scope of Concepts
IV.2.2. Results of Refitting in the Selected Assemblages 
IV.2.3. Spatial Distribution of Lithic Artifacts Refitted into Blocks   
I V.2.4. Comprehensive Analysis of Refitted Specimens  
IV.3. Spatial Distribution (Patterning) of Selected Classes of Lithic Artifacts
IV.3.1. Burnt Artifacts 
IV.3 2. Tools and Tools Production and Repair Waste
IV.3.3. Cores and Core Processing Waste 
IV.4. Statistical Procedures in Spatial Analysis
V. Settlement Structures in Sites of the Mazovian Complex  
V.I. Features 
V.I.I. Hearths    
V.I.1.1. Dobiegniewo
V.I.1.2. Calowanie, Trench I, Level VI
V.l.1.3. Rydno IV/57 
V.l.1.4. Rydno XI/59  
V.1.2. Pits 
V.1.3. Haematite "Stains"  
V.2. Activity Areas
V.2.1. Workshops and Waste Heaps  
V.2.2. Differentiation of Waste Heaps  
V.2.3. Workshops Differentiation 
V.2.4. Living (Home) Activity Areas   
VI. Spatial Relationships Between Identified Structures    
VI.l. Workshop vs. Waste Heap   
VI.2. The Workshop/Workshop Arrangement, or Core Processing in Various Places   
VI.3. Spatial Manifestations of Blade Selection Behaviors  
VI.4. Workshop and Living Activity Areas in Relation to Hearths and Dwelling Structures
VII. Structure Systems vs. Occupation Episodes, or the Spatial Organization of Campsites   
VII.1. Dobiegniewo  
VII.2. Calowanie, Trench I, Level VI 
VII.3. Rydno IV/57
VII.4. Rydno XI/59 
VIII. Expectations, Disappointments and Results. A Brief Summing Up  