Folia Orientalia, vol. XXVIII, 1991
20,00 $
Description: softcover, 205 pp., uncut pages
Condition: very good
Weight: 250g.
Folia Orientalia, vol. XXVIII, 1991, Cracow 1992
Special issue:
Studies in Memory of Andrzej Czapkiewicz. Pars Prima. Arabica et biblica
E. Gorska, J. Bubka, Professor Andrzej Czapkiewicz (1924-1990), 5-7, 1 fig.;
E. Gorska, Bibliography: Works of Professor Andrzej Czapkiewicz, 9-12.
T. Lewicki, Al-Kahina - Reine de l'Aures, 13-40;
M. Kowalska, Der Gesandtschaftsbericht des Hasan ibn Ahmad al-Haymi (Mitte des 17. Jahrunderts). Textanalyse, 41-50;
J. Bielawski, Muhyi ad-Din ibn 'Arabi Arab Mystic Philosopher (born at Murcia 1165, died in Damascus 1240), 51-62;
E. Szymanski, The Rise and Development of Trade Centers in the Arab-Persian Gulf, 63-78;
A. Kmietowicz, Contribution à la traduction du texte d'Ibn Fadlan, 79-81;
B. Michalak, The Beginnings of the Literary Movement and the Development of the Short Story in Kuwait. The Literary Production of a Contemporary Kuwaiti Writer - Laila al-Utman, 83-87;
D. Blohm, Some Remarks on Writing a Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic, 89-98;
J. Grand'Henry, Les variantes de flexion dans les verbes géminés en arabe, 99-114;
A. S. Kaye, Does Ugaritic go with Arabic in Semitic Genalogical Sub-classification?, 115-128;
H. Palva, The -un in the Colloquial Arabic Genitive Exponents haggun, taba'un and bta'un, 129-133.
P. Auffret, 'Sacrifie à Dieu un sacrifice d'action de grâce'. Étude structurelle du Psaume 50, 135-155;
H. Burgmann, Die Nordemigration hat Stattgefunden, 157-178,
T. Harviainen, Abraham Firkovitsh, Karaites in Hit, and the Provenance of Karaite Transcriptions of Biblical Hebrew Texts into Arabic Script, 179-191;
O. Sverrir, On diglossia in Arabic Hebrew and its Graphic Representation, 193-205