Arcadiana, Arcadia in Poland, An 18th Century Antique Garden and its Famous Sculptures
70,00 $
ISBN: 83-87496-25-1
Description: hardback, 81 pp. (29,5x21cm), 34 plates
Condition: very good
Weight: 780g.
Arcadiana, Arcadia in Poland, An 18th Century Antique Garden and its Famous Sculptures by A. Jaskulska-Tschierse, J. Kolendo, T. Mikocki, T. Mikocki, Swiatowit Supplement Series A: Antiquity, vol I, Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University, Warsaw 1998
Biographical Abbreviations
I. Tomasz Mikocki: Arcadia in Poland. The 18th Century Radziwill Collection of Antique Sculpture. Its History and Present
II.A. Tomasz Mikocki: An Unusual Child's Sarcophagus with a Scene from the Myth of Eros and Psyche in the National Museum in Warsaw
II.B. Jerzy Kolendo: An Inscription on a Sepulchral Altar
II.C. Anna Jaskulska-Tschierse: The Description of the Conservation of a Roman Child's Sarcophagus in the National Museum in Warsaw
III. Tomasz Mikocki: A Statue of Asclepios in the Palace at Nieborow
IV. Tomasz Mikocki: A Capital decorated with Sphinxes in Nieborow Museum
List of figures in text and plates