Archeologia LV, 2004
9,99 $
Description: 178 pages (20,5x29,5cm), illustrations; 400 vols issued
Condition: very good
Weight: 650g.
Archeologia LV, 2004, Warsaw 2005
Piotr Taracha, From Dagger to Sword. Some Reflections on the Development of Early Swords in the Aegean, Anatolia and the Levant
Tomasz Mikocki, New Mosaics from Ptolcmais in Libya
Radoslaw Andrzej Gawronski, Some Remarks on the Origins, Construction and Development of the Roman Military Saddle
Elzbieta Jastrzebowska, Ein spatantikes Kapitell im Park "Arkadia" bei Nieborow
Polish Excavations at Tell cl-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2002 -2003, by Marck Chodnicki and Krzysztof M. Cialowicz with contributions by Renata Abtamowicz, Joanna Debowska. Mariusz Jucha, Ryszard Kirkowski, Agnieszka Maczynska
Krzysztof Nowicki. Report on Investigations in Greece XI. Studies in 1995-2003
Rhizon, 2001 -2003. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Center for Archaeological Research - Novae, Warsaw University, by Piotr Dyczck in collaboration with Janusz Reclaw, Anna Stankovic, Vilma Kovacevic, Jovica Martinovic, Predrag Lutovac
Fouilles archcologiqucs dc Marca en Egyptc. Saisons 2002-2003, par Hanna Szy-m ah ska et Krzysztof Babraj
K. Jakubiak, The Development of Defence System of Eastern Anatolia (The Armenian Upland) (K. Nowicki)
The Cauldron of Ariantas. Studies Presented to A.N. Sceglov on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, edited by P.G. Bilde, J.M. H0jtc. V.F. Stobla (A. Wasowicz)
Pontus anil the Outside World. Studies in Black Sea History, Historiography and Archaeology, edited by C.J. Tuplin (M. Wqcowski).
Ausgrabungen in Alt-Paphos anf Zypern, hrsg. von F.G. Maicr. Band 5: Lucerne fittili dagli scavi di Palaepaphos (Cipro) di Silvana Bezzola (E. Papuci-Wladyka)
Demetrias, Bd. 6: G. Zimmer, Hellenistische Bmnzegusswerkstdlten in Demetrias: A. Furtwangler, Lampenproduktion und -importe im hellenistixchen Demetrias: A. Furtwangler, Amphorenfunde in Demetrias (M. Nowicka)
E.Ju. Klenina, Keramiceskie sosudy II - III v. n.e. i: usad'by "Bliznecy" (chora Chersonexa Tavriceskogo (L.A.Kovalevskaja)
Wczesnohizantyjskie budowle sakralne Chersonezn Taurydzkiego, pod red. A.B. Biernackiego, E.Ju. Kleniny, S.G. Ryzowa (E. Jastrzebowska)
O.I. Dombrowski, Vizantijskie mozaiki Chersonesa Tavriceskogo (E. Jastrz^bowska) H. Brandenburg, Die friihchristlichen Kirchen in Rom (E. Jastrzebowska)
B. Brugmann, Glcixx Beads from Early Anglo-Saxon Graves. A Study of the Provenance and Chronology (T. Stawiarska)
I.V. Tunkina, Russkaja naiika o klasxiceskich drevnoxtjach juga Rosxii (XVIII - seredina XIX v.) (A. Wasowicz)
M.I. Rostovtseff. La peinture decorative antique en Rusxie meridionale. Saint Petersbourg 1913 -1914 (M. Nowicka)
A. Schmidt-Collinct, G. Planner, Anlike Architektur und Bauornamentik. Gnmdformen und Grundbegrijfe (M. Muszynska)
Anna Sadurska (1.IX.1921 - 3.III.2004) (T. Mikocki)
Bogdan Rutkowski (26.VI.1930 - 13.111.2004) (K. Nowicki, P. Taracha). Pierre Lcvequc (11.VII. 1921 - 5.III.2004) (J. Kolendo. A. Wasowicz)