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Atlas of Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Collections I, Complete Adult Human Mummies

55,00 $

Default Title
ISBN: 9788070365144
Description: hardback, 183 pp. (28,5x21,5cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 1020g.

Pavel Onderka, Gabriela Jungova, Atlas of Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Collections I, Complete Adult Human Mummies, National Museum, Prague 2016

Ladislav Bares
The Present Project
Gabriela Jungova, Pavel Onderka
Chapter One: History of Research on Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Lands
Gabriela Jungova, Pavel Onderka
Chapter Two: History of Collecting Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Lands
Pavel Onderka
Chapter Three: Mummification in Ancient Egypt
Gabriela Jungova
Chapter Four: Complete Adult Human Mummies
Gabriela Jungova
Jiri Bucil, Lubica Oktabcova, Jakub Peceny, Pavel Onderka
Zuzana Schierova, Jan Cvrcek, Julie Tomsova
Chapter Five: Summary of Radiological Examination of Adult Human Mummified Remains
Gabriela Jungova
Chapter Six: Complete Coffins for Adults
Pavel Onderka
Gabriela Jungova, Pavel Onderka

Egyptian mummies and coffins in the Czech collections have been studied and described quite thoroughly in the past. An ambitious research project from the 1970s resulted in two key publications summarizing the contemporary knowledge of all mummies (Strouhal - Vyhnanek 1979) and coffins (Verner 1982) kept in the collections of the former Czechoslovakia. Three decades later, Eugen Strouhal, one of the most respected authorities in the field of (not only) mummy studies, initiated a new project that would revise the data from the previous research with the use of current technologies. This new project was commenced in 2009 by the National Museum- Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague, with the aim of collecting and publishing all accessible information on the studied material using up-to-date technologies and with regard to the advancement in the fields of Egyptology and anthropology. The research was carried out in cooperation with the Diagnostic Centre Medsican and other institutions that keep Egyptian mummies and coffins in their collections namely the State Castle Buchlov, State chateau Kynzvart and the Hrdlicka Museum of Man, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
The present publication is the first one from the series Atlas of Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Collections, and brings the results of investigation of complete adult human mummies. An overview of coffins for adults, whether associated with any of the mummies or not, is also included. The studied material comprises of 19 complete adult human mummies and 20 coffins. Even though the collections were not assembled systematically, they well document the development in mummification techniques and procedures, as well as all major characteristic styles of coffins in the second half of the pharaonic era. The set is not only representative in terms of chronology, but also in terms of geographical origin of mummies and coffins. All parts of Egypt, including lesser known sites, are represented.
Thanks to the advances in imaging technologies, only non-invasive methods of investigation could be used, without compromising on the quality or amount of obtained information. The research project brought new data that were previously unknown, as well as helped shed a new light on some issues that remained unresolved in the past. However, with some points of discussion being solved, others have opened. The study of the coffins enabled a more precise dating of the mummies. In the majority of cases it was possible to ascribe the coffins, and through them also mummies, to specific sites of ancienit Egypt, including Western Thebes, Akhmim, Gamhud or Mendes.

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