Problems of the Stone Age in the Old World
14,99 $
ISBN: 83-916415-0-3
Description: 423 pages, drawings, maps, photographs
Condition: very good - new
Weight: 740g.
Problems of the Stone Age in the Old World. Jubilee Book Dedicated to Professor Janusz K. Kozlowski, Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow 2001
Od redakcji (From the Editors)
Boleslaw Ginter
Slowo o Jubilacie
A few words about Professor Kozlowski
Marcel Otte
La recontre. Yersion romancee d'une prehistoire reelle
Ofer Bar-Yosef
Lessons from the past: Mousterian blade industries in western Asia
Tsoni Tsonev
Reduction hypothesis and side-scraper morphology of Polish and Bulgarian Middle Palaeolithic
Stefanka Ivanova
Charakter und Probleme der Untersuchungen der Friihesten Kulturen im Rhodopen
Alberto Broglio
Discontinuity between the Mousterian and the Aurignacian: the archaeological sequence from Grotta di Fumane in the Yeneto Prealps
Josep Ma Fullola i Pericot, Jordi Nadal i Lorenzo
Synthese de l'evolution paleoeconomique du paleolithique superieur dans le nord-est de la Penisule Iberique
Henri Delporte
L'Aurignacien de la Ferrassie: Realites et Problemes
Stefan K. Kozlowski
Kostienki '15
Rene Desbrosse, Isabelle Margerand
Art mobiler a la Croze-sur-Suran (Ain)
Bohuslav Klima
Die Kjokkenmoddinge nr 5-8 von Dolni Yestonice
Yiola Tolnai-Dobosi
About Sagvarian: chronological-cultural sketch of the Upper Palaeolithic in Hungary
Zbigniew Bagniewski
O paleolicie schylkowym i mezolicie Pomorza
Romuald Schild
Three reasons why it is likely that the early Mesolithic population in Poland was not aboriginal
Karel Yaloch
Contribution on subsistence in the Mesolithic: the case of the Smolin site in South Moravia
Michal Kobusiewicz
Paraneolithic - the Middle Holocene Traditionalists
Ivan Gatsov, Maria Giurova
Some remarks on the chipped-stone industries of the earliest Neolithic cultures in Bulgaria
Zsuzsanna M. Virag, Nandor Kalicz
Neuere Siedlungsfunde der Fruhneolithischen Starcevo-Kultur aus Sudwestungarn
Janos Makkay
Yessels of the Koros-culture with perforated base
Barbara Voytek
The use of lithic resources in the Vinca archaeological culture: the case of Opovo-Ugar Bajbuk
Ryszard Grygiel
Wplywy wschodniolinearnego kregu kulturowego w kulturze ceramiki wstegowej rytej na Kujawach
Anna Kulczycka-Leciejewiczowa
Surowce skalne w kulturze wczesnoneoliryczych spolecznosci gornego dorzecza Odry
Dusan Hovorka Stanislav Siska
Polished stone industry from the Neolithic settlement site of Sarisske Michalany (Eastern Slovakia)
Svoboda Sirakova
Evidence for flint knapping tradition in North Bulgaria at the late prehistorie times
Nikolai Sirakoy, Tsoni Tsonev
The Late Eneolithic flint assemblage from the Tell Yunatsite (South Bulgaria)
John Chapnian
Fragmentation analysis and social relations in later Balkan prehistory
Jan Machnik, Jolanta Baginska, Wieslaw Kornan
Nowa, synkretyczna grupa kultury ceramiki sznurowej w Polsce srodkowo-wschodniej
Eugen Comsa
Les instalations pour le feu de l' epoque neolithique en Muntenie (Roumanie)
Aleksander Kosko
Z badan nad geneza rytualo w kremacji w balkansko-srodkowoeuropejskim kregu kulturowym
Wlodzimierz Wojciechowski
Czy najstarsi rolnicy i hodowcy Polski poludniowo-zachodniej znali pismo?