Ancient Egypt, Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute University of Chicago
25,00 $
ISBN: 1-88592-325-2
Description: softcover, 146 pp. (29x23cm)
Condition: very good
Weight: 805g.
Emily Teeter, Ancient Egypt, Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute University of Chicago, Chicago 2003
This fully-illustrated catalogue offers highlights of the Egyptian collection at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. A brief history of the collection is followed by a catalogue of seventy-seven objects, which date from the early third millennium BC to the eighth century AD. Many of these objects have not been previously published. The artefacts include statues, stelae, tools, games, clothing, coffins, figured ostraca, and papyri; each item is described, and its function and symbolism are discussed. Brief texts are translated. Appendices give museum registration numbers, provenance, and bibliographies.
A History of the Egyptian Collection
Early Dynastic Period and Old Kingdom (ca. 3100-2219 B.C.)
1 Votive Plaque
2 Mehen Game Board
3 Panel from the Tomb of Nefermaat and Itet
4 False Door of Ny-su-redi
5 The Confectioner, Tchenenet
6 Singers and Dancers
7 "Servant" Statues from the Tomb of Ny-kau-inpu
8 Nen-khefet-ka and His Wife Nefer-shemes
9 Lintel of Kha-bau-ptah
10 A Warning to Tomb Robbers
11 The Royal Herald, Neni
First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom (ca. 2219-1550 B.C.)
12 Uha and His Wife Henut-sen
13 Model Workshop
14 A Letter to the Dead
15 Stela of the Household of Senbu
New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period (ca. 1550-664 B.C.)
16 Nakht and Seth-Antwety
17 Funerary Figure of Kenamun
18 Child's Tunic
19 Statue of a God
20 Game of Twenty Squares
21 Detail of a Funerary Procession
22 Running Ibexes
23 Colossal Statue of Tutankhamun
24 Amun
25 Seti I and Ramesses II
26 Two Scenes of Nature
27 The Bad Boy
28 Stela Dedicated to the God Reshep
29 Decorative Tiles
30 Floral Column
31 Grooming Implements
32 Study for a Royal Tomb Painting
33 Head of a King
34 Canopic Jars
35 A Priest of Hathor
36 Stela of the Hearing Ear
37 Offering to the God
38 Cartonnage Case and Mummy of Meresamun
39 Brick Stamp
40 Amunirdis I and Diese-heb-sed
41 Reliefs from the Tomb of Montuemhet
The Late Period (664-332 B.C.)
42 Statue of Amun
43 Stela of Harsiese
44 Donation Stela
45 Composite Deity
46 Demotic "Marriage" Papyrus
47 Head from a Cat Coffin
48 Oracular Statue in the Form of a Falcon
49 Thoth Emblem
50 Ritual Vessel (Situla)
51 Book of the Dead
Ptolemaic, Roman, and Byzantine Periods (4th century B.C.-8th century A.D.)
52 Statue Base of Djed-hor
53 Horus on the Crocodiles
54 Cult Statue of Queen Arsinoe II
55 Water Clock (Clepsydra)
56 Relief Fragment
57 Shoe
58 Mummy Mask
59 Funerary Stela of Pa-sher-o-pehty
60 Mummy Portrait 113
61 Mask from a Funerary Shroud
62 Lamp in Form of a Bird
Bibliography of Works Consulted
App. 1 Objects by Oriental Institute Museum Registration Number
App. 2 Provenance of Catalogue Objects
App. 3 Prior Publication of Catalogue Objects
App. 4 Chronology of Ancient Egypt
App. 5 Maps
General Index
Ancient Egyptian Personal Names
Royal Names