Die Sammlung zyprischer Antiken im Kunsthistorischen Museum / The Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Kunsthistorisches Museum
65,00 $
ISBN: 3-85497-006-4
Description: hardback, dust jacket, 238 pp. (29x21,5 cm), phots.
Condition: very good
Weight: 1500g.
Die Sammlung zyprischer Antiken im Kunsthistorischen Museum / The Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Herausgegeben von Wilfried Seipel, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 1999
This volume constitutes another in the series designed to make works of ancient Cypriote art in museums in Europe and the USA better known to scholars and the general public. It offers an insight into the exciting history of Cypriote archaeology in the 19th and the 20th centuries. With the help of introductory essays and detailed descriptions it provides an overall view of the most important Cypriote objects in the Collection of Antiquities in the Kunsthistorishes Museum. The collection comprises around 700 items making it one of the most important in central Europe. 113 artifacts are catalogued in this volume, each illustrated with a colour photograph. The text is in German and English.
Wilfried Seipel
Zum Geleit
Kurt Gschwantler und Vassos Karageorghis
Chronological Table
Karte Zyperns
Map of Cyprus
Vassos Karageorghis
Archaologie und Kunst in Zypern: die vergangenen hundert Jahre
Cypriote Archaeology and Art: The Last One Hundred Years
Alfred Bernhard-Walcher
Die Geschichte der zyprischen Sammlung in Wien
The History of the Cypriote Collection in Vienna
Griechische Meisterwerke. Greek Masterpieces Katalognummern 1-3
Zyprische Keramik. Cypriote Pottery Katalognummern 4-44
Terrakotten aus Zypern. Cypriote Terracotta Katalognummern 45-75
Kalksteinskulpturen. Limestone Sculptures Katalognummern 76-103
Griechische Munzen aus Zypern in Wien. Greek Coins from Cyprus in Vienna Katalognummern 104-113
Anhang. Appendix
Wissenschaftliche Anmerkungen. Scientific Notes
Literaturverzeichnis. List of References