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Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century

95,00 $ was 150,00 $

Default Title

ISBN: 978-83-7676-008-7
Description: hardback, 684 pp. (30,5x22cm), phots., maps, drawings
Condition: very good
Weight: 2250g.




Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century, ed. by M. Woloszyn. Proceedings from the conference organised by Polish Academy of arts and Sciences and Institute of Archaeology University of Rzeszow under the patronage of Union Academique International (Programme No. 57 Moravia Magna) Krakow, 23-26 IV 2007, Krakow 2009

Vorwort des Herausgebers
Matthias Hardt Tribute und Jahrgelder in fruhmittelalterlichen Konigsschatzen als Faktoren der Munzdistribution in Ostmitteleuropa
Georges Depeyrot A network for the study of coin finds in Europe
Francois Planet From Aetius to Clovis: An unpublished argenteus struck at Trier at the end of the 5th century Zeljko Demo INVICTISSIMVS AVTOR - an unusual series of Baduila (Totila): a new example from Croatia
Maja Hadzi-Maneva Coin Hoards From Late 6th and 7th Century Discovered in the Republic of Macedonia
Delia Moisil, Gabriel Talmatchi, Gabriel Custurea Single finds from the 5th century A.D. in Dobrogea
Gabriel Custurea Some Guiding Remarks on Byzantine Coin Circulation in Dobrogea (G"1-?"1 c. A.D.).
Mihaela lacob La circulation monetaire a (L)Ibida (Scythie Mineure) du Ve siecle au debut du VII siecle
Peter Prohaszka Ost- und westromische Goldmunzen des 5. Jahrhunderts im Karpatenbecken
Eva Kolnikova, Karol Pieta Spatromische und volkerwanderungszeitliche Miinzhorte und andere Miinzfunde im nordlichen Karpatenbecken
Aleksander Bursche Germanic gold bracteates from the hoard in Zagorzyn near Kalisz
Jaroslaw Bodzek Remarks on the Inflow of Roman Coins into Southern Poland in the Second Half of the 4th and in the 5th Centuries A.D.
Marcin Piotrowski, Grzegorz Dajbrowski A solidus of Theodosius II from Opaka in the context of other finds from district Lubaczow dated to AD 5th century
Renata Ciotek Der Zufluss von Solidi in die sudlichen Ostseegebiete
Helle W. Horsnaes Late Roman and Byzantine coins found in Denmark
Tuukka Talvio Solidus finds in the Northern lands
Jorg Drauschke Byzantinische Miinzen des ausgehenden 5. bis beginnenden 8. Jahrhunderts in den ostlichen Regionen des Merowingerreiches
Heinz Winter Die byzantinischen und karolingischen Fundmiinzen aus dem osterreichischen Bereich der Avaria -eine Neubearbeitung
Jiff Militky Finds of the Early Byzantine Coins of the 6lh and the 7th century in the Territory of the Czech Republic
Jan Hunka Finds of Byzantine Coins from the 5th-10th century from the northern part of the Carpathian Basin
Jozef Zabojnik Antike Munzen im Gebiet der Slowakei aus der Zeit des Awarischen Khaganats
Peter Somogyi Der Fund von Kleinschelken (Siebenbiirgen, 1856) im Lichte neuentdeckter Archivdaten
Andrei Gandila Face value or bullion value? Early Byzantine Coins beyond the Lower Danube Border
Marcin Woloszyn Byzantinische Munzen aus dem 6.-7. Jh. in Polen
Felix Biermann Byzantine Coin Finds from the 6th to the 8th century between Elbe and Oder and their meaning for Settlement History
Yurij A. Prokopenko Byzantine coins of the 5th-9th century and their imitations in the Central and Eastern Ciscaucasus
Tomislav Separovic Coin Finds of Emperor Constantine V Copronymus in southern Croatia
Ernest Oberlander-Tarnoveanu The Byzantine Empire and the territories north of the Lower Danube 11th c.). The numismatic evidence
Nad'a Profantova Byzantine coins from the 9th - 10th century from the Czech Republic
Lubos Polansky, Lenka Vacinova The Roman and Byzantine Coins in the Hoard Find from Kelc (Czech Republic)
Adam Gliksman Some remarks on the beginning of influx of Byzantine coins into Wielkopolska in the 10th century
Maciej Salamon A Gilded Miliaresion from Excavations in the Market Square in Cracow
Ivar Leimus Funde byzantinischer Munzen in Estland
Andrei V. Petrauskas A Byzantine Solidus Coin from the Research of B. A. Zvizdec'kyj in Iskorosten
Michail M. levlev A remarkable 10th century warrior burial from the tumulus on the Territory of Prince Volodymyr's Town in Kyiv, Ukraine
Eugeny Ja. Turovsky New facts in the numismatics of medieval Cherson
Thomas Briiggemann From Money-Trade to Barter. Economic Transformations in Byzantine Crimea (10th-13th Century)