Folia Quaternaria 70, Post-Pleniglacial Re-Colonisation of the Great European Lowland,
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Folia Quaternaria 70, Post-Pleniglacial Re-Colonisation of the Great European Lowland, Papers Presented at the Conference Organised by the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Commission 8, held at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow 1999
Palaeogeography of European Lowland during the Late Vistulian (Teresa MADEYSKA)
Review of the fauna! evidence from the Late Glacial in Northern Europe (Bodil BRATLUMD)
Evolution of the malacological assemblages in North Poland during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene (WitoldP. ALEXANDROWICZ)
Colonisation and resettlement of Europe in the Late Glacial: a view from the western periphery (R. N. E. BARTON)
The Magdalenian site of Eyserheide and the Late Glacial human colonisation of the Southern Netherlands (Eelco RENSINK)
La grotte du Bois Laiterie (Profondeville, Belgique): Halte de chasse magdalenienne
(Lawrence G. STRAUS and Marcel OTTE)
Civilisations du Tardiglaciaire en Europe du nord-ouest (Marcel OTTE)
Concerning chronology of the Hamburgian Culture (Jan Michal BURDUKIEWICZ)
Some remarks concerning the excavations at Meiendorf and Stellmoor in the Tunnelvalley of Ahrensburg by Alfred Rust (Gernot TROMNAU)
Late Palaeolithic settlement in Denmark - how do we read the record? (Berit Valentin ERIKSEN)
Perspectives on the colonisation of the Scandinavian Peninsula (Lars LARSSON)
The final Pleistocene recolonisation of the northwestern Polish Plain (Michal KOBUSIEWICZ)
The Hamburgian settlement at Mirkowice: recent results and research perspectives
and Kazimierz TOBOLSKI)
Stratigraphy, palaeoecology and radiochronology of the site of Calowanie (Romuald SCHILD,
Kazimierz TOBOLSK:, Lucyna KUBIAK-MARTENS, Mieczyslaw F. PAZDUR, Anna PAZDUR,
J. C. VOGEL and Thomas STAFFORD Jr.)
Menschliche Penetration der Hohlen im mittleren Teil der Krakowsko-Czestochowska-Hochebene zwischen dem 18. und dem 11. Jahrtausend (vom Interstadial Lascaux bis zum hiterstadial Allerod) (Rrzysztof CYREK)
Late Upper and Late Palaeolithic in the Czech Republic (Slavomil VENCL)
Postpleniglacial repeopling of the Hungarian Plain (Viola T.DOBOSI)
Les origines de la recolonisation de la partie septentrionale de lEurope centrale apres
le Pleniglaciaire (Janusz K. KOZLOWSKI)
Terminal Palaeolithic of Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania (survey of cultural differentiation) (Leonid ZALIZNYAK)
The population of South Russian Plain after the maximum of the second Pleniglacial (Vadim COHEN)
Intensification of settlement in the Late Glacial of south-western Balkans (Dusan MIHAJLOVIC)
An overview of the Conference (Michal KOBUSIEWICZ and Janusz K. KOZLOWSKI)